Georgios Papanastasiou
Mr. Georgios Papanastasiou has worked for over three decades in the banking sector in the SEE region, namely Greece, FYROM, Serbia and now Albania. His career started at the Bank of Nova Scotia in Thessaloniki, Canada’s International Bank and a leading financial services provider in North, Central and Latin America and Asia-Pacific. In 1991, he joined ABN Amro Bank NV, the largest bank in the Netherlands and among the biggest in Europe, where he served as Area Commercial Manager for North Greece. Mr. Papanastasiou in September 2000 joined Stopanska Banka AD, Skopje, member of NBG Group and, after five years as Corporate Advisor and Credit Manager, was appointed General Manager B’ in July 2005.
From 2011 to April 2017 he was also elected Board member and President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Business Association in Serbia.
In January 2009 Mr. Papanastasiou joined Alpha Bank Group and in April 2009 was appointed President of the Executive Board of Alpha Bank Serbia AD. Since 20 December 2017 Mr. Papanastasiou is the Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Bank Albania.
On 6 July 2018 Mr. Papanastasiou was elected President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Business Association in Albania.
Mr. Papanastasiou holds a BSc degree in Economics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MBA degree from Bentley College, Massachusetts, USA.